The Dare Because We Care Church.
We Welcome You To The Website Of the Historic “Mt. Zion Baptist Church”.
Nestled near the center of Indianapolis, you will find Mount Zion to be a nurturing, caring community of believers, doing "Ministry that Makes a difference" in church and the community. After visiting our site, we hope that you will plan to visit us real soon.
Meet the Pastor.
The Reverend Doctor Philip Karl James, the son of a Gospel Preacher, was born and reared in Jamaica, New York. He is one of eight children. He is married to the former Jameel Marketta Kee (an Evangelist) of Columbus, Ohio. He and Jameel have been blessed with a beautiful daughter, Joyreece and a handsome son, Joseph.
Click Below to Learn More.
Dinner Church
Join us for Sunday Dinner!
You are invited to the Soul-to-Soul dinner experience at Mt. Zion every Sunday at 1:30 p.m.! This unique worship experience will include joyous music, fun fellowship, and a magnificent meal for the body and the soul!
Need Directions? Click Below.
Mt. Zion’s Mission
Our Mission as a Church is to:
PREACH God's Word...TEACH God's Word; NURTURE God's People and REACH the Unchurched and Unsaved for Christ.
To become a nurturing community of believers; where persons and families feel love; participate in worship; develop their God-given gifts in ministry and committed discipleship, in order to meet the spiritual, physical and social needs of the congregation and community, to the glory of God.
Click Below to Volunteer & Give

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
— Matthew 18:20
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