Biblical Storytelling

Biblical Storytellers, including adults, youth, and children, tell epic biblical stories “by heart” as Proclamation of the Word during worship. Biblical stories are told by heart during special congregational ministry events and as a part of outreach ministries. Epic tellings have included the Story of Ruth and the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As a Christian Education and Worship and Creative Arts Ministry, the mission of the Biblical Storytelling Scripture-by-Heart Ministry is to hear, study, learn, and tell God’s Story orally by heart so that storytellers and audiences experience the impact of the Good News toward insight, encouragement, and the spiritual transformation and enlightenment of knowing Jesus more clearly, loving him more dearly, and following him more nearly.

The Team leader is certified by the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International,

To Learn More (click on churches, then on Mount Zion)