Furthering Education with the Love of Christ.
Mount Zion promotes and encourages her students who further their education beyond high school. Currently we have students attending IVY Tech College, Ball State University, Indiana University, University of Indianapolis, Indiana State University, and IUPUI (Indiana University, Purdue University at Indianapolis.
R.T. Andrews Scholarship Commission
The R. T. Andrews Scholarship Commission, Inc. annually awards a $5,000 scholarship to a graduating high school senior. Other students are given book awards up to $900.
Since it's inception in 1970, almost 90 scholarship/book awards have been granted to Mt. Zion graduating high school students. The scholarship awards are awarded the 4th Sunday in June.
The R. T. Andrews Scholarship Commission Incorporated was established as a lasting memorial to the person whose name it bears, by giving monetary scholarships or grants to current high school graduates. A recipient is required to be a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, actively involved in the Youth Program with plans to enroll in an institution of academic, vocational or scientific training.
Resource Links
EduPrep - Get Ready For College - Scholarship Search, SAT/ACT Help, Loans, College Tours
Historically Black Colleges & Universities - Information and Services related to Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Indiana Colleges & Universities - Local State Colleges and Universities
Christian Theological Seminary - Where a culture of excellence in service to God and humanity is cultivated
Diversity Employers - Career Site for Students of Color
Parable.com - Over 120,000 Christian ProductsThe Black Collegian
National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. - National Black Greek Organizations
Indiana Black Expo, Inc. - An effective voice and vehicle for social & economic advancement of African Americans
Center for Leadership Development - Fostering the development of minority youth in Central Indiana as future leaders
Cush City - World's largest African-American selection of books, videos, art and more
DaySpring Cards - "Share our Heart and God's Love"
CrossDaily.com - Inspirations, Cards, Bible Search, and more