Mt. Zion Federal Credit Union
“Not for Profit - Not for Charity - But for Service”
Why the Credit Union is better than a Bank or Savings & Loan?
A credit union is non-profit financial institution. Profits earned are returned to its members in the form of dividends and services.
Meet the CEO
Ordained into Ministry at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in May 2006. Responsible for Spiritual Development of Children/Youth/Adults. Min. Britt assists with Grant Writing and Project Management needs of Mount Zion. She is mission focused to help others with the Food Pantry and Clothes Giveaway. Min. Britt serves in various Administrative areas to assist with Communication needs within the Church and to others.
Not for Charity, Not for profit, but for service.
You’re a member-owner, not a number!
We answer to YOU, not invisible investors.
Competitive rates and fees.
We do our best to say “yes”, when you need a second chance.
Your savings are federally insured.
We meet you where you are.
Regular Shares
First Mortgages
Children’s Accounts
Association and Group Accounts
Direct Deposits/ACH
Certificates of Deposit
Borrow and Save
New and Used Vehicles
Home Improvements
Appliance and Furniture Purchases
Vacation Loans
Visa Gift and Credit Cards
Share Secured Loans
Financial Education
Credit Repair/Counseling
GAP Auto Insurance
Debt Protection Insurance
Credit unions promote the financial well-being of members, including those of modest means, through a system that is cooperative, member-owned, volunteer-directed and not-for-profit. These seven key principles define why credit unions are different than any other type of financial institution.
Voluntary Membership
Democratic Member Control
Members' Economic Participation
Autonomy and Independence
Education, Training & Information
Cooperation among Cooperatives
Concern for Community